So think you know what your true Bra size is. Did you let one of those cute sales associates at Victoria's Secret measure you with pre-marked pink tape (hint: Vicky's may not even have your size! Can you really trust it?)? Or do you figure you've just had the same bra size since high school? If any of the above applies to you...sweetie, it's time to get a REAL Bra Fitting! You don't have to take my word for it. Tim Gunn regularly sends the guests on
his show to professional bra fittings before starting the makeover process. Ensuring the proper fit for your girls will not only give you proper support but it is the necessary foundation to make your clothing far more flattering. In one episode Tim sent his guest to
Bra*Tenders in the theatre district and I promptly setup an appointment. Yes, its by appointment only, but you're getting the personal attention the whole time! Raquel, the fit specialist, is a doll and absolutely AMAZING. She has been in the business since she was 15 year old a figured me out in a few quick looks. Evidently, I was wearing a band size too big and a cup size to small, nor would I have ever known without her because my size isn't sold in your average retail store!!! They have oodles of styles and brands, some I never heard of before; I could have been there for hours. For starters, I picked up a basic black, basic nude, and sexy little lace number for fun.
630 9th Avenue New York, NY 10036
(212) 957-7000 www.bratenders.com
So please do yourself the favor and setup an appointment with Raquel. Your owe it to yourself to have at least one wardrobe-enhancing well-fitting brazier ($45-75 range).