Cool Personal Finance Web Tool
When your finances are staring you in the face, you can't ignore it.
It's safe to assume that one of your top resolutions for this year, which is probably a carry-over from last year, is getting your finances to the point to achieve goals like buying a car, purchasing a home, paying off student loans or taking a trip overseas.
While reading through a ton of mags over the holidays, I just learned of this cool site: Wesabe
Wesabe is a community site that makes managing your money easy. Enjoy secure access to all your accounts, painless tools for taking control of your money and reaching your goals, and members’ tips and discussions to help you find the best values.
It's a pretty neat tool that let's you upload bank or credit card accounts to see everything one time on one page, BUT you also set financial goals. Based on your goals and on the type of transactions you make it gives you tips from other users; don't panic no one can see your account info.

Think of this as social network like citysearch/yelp meets financial savvy-ness.
If you are worried about the security of your accounts, the site boasts making that a top priority. The way I look at it too if you have proper protection on your cards and FDIC should be just fine.