Reading is Power - Build Your Own Info Tank
One of the requirements to being and staying savvy is reading! Besides discussing with others, the news you need is either online or in hard copy print.
My mail box is fulled with publications and my email is stock full of ezines and e-newsletters. Here are some ways to go about putting together your own information tank:
- Subscribe to pubs that will cover the following aspects of your life: Personal Finance; Beauty; Fashion; Health; Personal (respective to you nationality or maybe a element to your life that is not general to all); Professionalism/Career; General News
Tip: Go to StudentMags and sign up at a discount rate. They don't check to see if you are a student:)
Oh and whatever your preference online or in hand; NYT or WSJ - just read one. NYT offers the weekend subscription (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) - that is enough to keep you up on the ins and outs.