
Facercize!!! Because muscles don't end at the neck.

I'm trying really hard to write this post with out going on and on...I really have so much to say. So long story short, if you or a friend or even your momma wants to tighten up your facial features then you must pick up The Tal Reinhart: Facial Workout. It is a full workout to scuplt your facials muscles and correct signs of aging.

I've been doing the work-out and I see a difference in my cheek bones and eyes. I definitely do not look as "tired", as I've been told, anymore. My mother who is a woman of a certain age has seen results, but importantly she feels great about it! I'm young and gravity hasn't hit my face yet but why wait until it does? This is a must have for all women 25 and up, unless you're Iman, lol.