Your Finances - In Mint Condition
I so wish I new about this site a year or two ago. You all have to not just visit but sign up on As they describe themselves it is a free personal finance software.
It aggregates all your accounts into one site and helps you to analyze your spend and savings however you want to slice it and dice it - no more saving receipts and organizing into excel.
Now you maybe thinking how can this site know all of your business. Think of it as the organizer to all the log-ins of your online accounts. From credit cards to student loans to even car payments and Roth IRAs, you sign in all your log-ins so that when you log in to account it pulls all those other log ins. Your net worth is calculated in seconds.
As a user for the past month, I am blown away by this site. It definitely made it clear how much I shopped at Target *sigh*
Give it a try and let us know what you think. There is no reason to not continue in your healthy finances 2009 resolution.
Happy Savings!