
A Must-Read - Increase Your Financial Savvy

We all work for corporate companies and maybe non-profit organizations. Whatever you do there is a financial side that you should not ignore. Your work affects it just as much as it affects you.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been reading the book Financial Intelligence and it is a must read. You don't have to be a wizard on accounting or even have experience in the financial world. It is designed for anyone, regardless of your job role, who wants to be smarter of what the number mean.

It is the easiest financial read I have come across. It breaks down everything in layman terms and ties in the importance of understanding certain terms and concepts. Even the book layout and text size is pleasant to the eye.

Please read this, it will definitely increase your career success as you would understand you boss and your boss's boss concerns.

Check it out on Amazon.com and also read the free excerpt too.

By the name it is totally applicable to your personal life too.